Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sulpicio faces string of cases over alleged unpaid insurance claims

Already burdened by a slew of multi-million civil suits over the deaths of passengers of the MV Princess of the Stars, owners of the ill-fated vessel faces a new string of charges - this time over alleged unpaid insurance claims.

Radio dzBB's Carlo Mateo reported that the Public Attorney's Office cited information reaching the agency saying that families of more than 500 victims in the tragedy were denied insurance claims.

PAO head Persida Acosta warned Sulpicio Lines Inc., owner of the capsized ship, that it will face charges of estafa over the non-payment of the insurance claims.

Acosta noted that among those who have applied for the insurance claim, only a few families received insurance payments.

The PAO earlier submitted to the Maritime Industry Authority the testimony of Engineer Nelson Ramirez of the United Filipino Seafarers questioning the seaworthiness of Sulpicio's ships.

On June 21 last year, the MV Princess of the Stars capsized off Romblon at the height of Typhoon Frank.