Friday, September 12, 2008

‘Princess' victims’ kin slam Sulpicio delaying tack

Kin of victims in the MV Princess of the Stars tragedy scored Sulpicio Lines Inc. for yet another round of delaying tactics, this time at the Maritime Industry Authority (Marina).

Radio dzBB's Carlo Mateo reported that the relatives said the latest tactic involved Sulpicio lawyer Arthur Lim's questioning the credibility of the Board of Marine Inquiry report.

The BMI had recommended that Sulpicio's franchise be suspended, after finding that human error caused the MV Princess of the Stars to capsize off Romblon at the height of typhoon Frank last June.

Marina is now taking up the BMI report as an input in its hearings on the matter.

Levi Samuel, a spokesman for the relatives, said Marina acting head Elena Bautista, who also heads a task force on the tragedy, to show Sulpicio it cannot have its way.